




Speaker A: We-came so close really. We almost won that game

Speaker B: _______

A. There, there.            B .There's no use crying over spilt milk.

C. You guys were superb.    D: I couldn't care less.

这是一道典型的口语交际题,考察特定表达的会话含义。要选出合适的选项必须彻底理解第一个说话人所说的话并对四个选项的题意有一个完全的了解。第一个说话人说的close的意思可以理解为接近,后面的almost是几乎要做到的意思,整句话的意思可以理解为:我们是如此地接近,我们几乎就要赢得那场比赛了。实际上赢了没有呢?从题意可以推断出没有,因此选B项,cry over spilt milk这个习语的字面意义是为打翻的牛奶哭泣,引申义是伤心于不可挽回的失误,整句话可理解为再伤心也于事无补,因为根据第一个说话人的意思,反正我们已经输了,这样的理解恰好符合题意。做这类题应领会语境,并熟悉相关习语的表达。


Woman: What do you like to do on your summer vacation?

Man: I like nothing better than fishing on a hot summer day.

Question: What does the man mean?

A. He doesn't like fishing on a hot summer day.

B. Although he likes fishing ,he doesn't want to do it on a hot summer day.

C. Fishing is his favorite pastime on a hot summer day.

D. He likes nothing, including fishing on a hot. summer day.

这道题答案是C,做这道题的关键是要理解特殊句子结构nothing better than的意思,没有比……更好的了,意思是“最喜欢的就是……”解题过程中要仔细区分四个选项在意义上的细微区别,A项的意思是他不喜欢在炎热的夏天钓鱼;B项的意思是虽然他喜欢钓鱼但是不喜欢在炎热的夏天钓;C项的意思是他最喜欢的消遣就是在炎热的夏天钓鱼;D项的意思是他什么都不喜欢,包括在炎热的夏天钓鱼,经过综合比较,可以看出C项最符合题意。做这类题应该积累特殊的句子结构,注意分析选项之间的细微差别。




           这类题包括人们日常生活中可能遇到的各种交际活动,如:打招呼、几道谢、祝贺、道歉、购物、接送客人等。做这一类题时要注意到中西文化差异问题。实际上对同一问题的回答在英语中和汉语中有很大的区别。例如,汉语表示歉意时会直接说“对不起,很抱歉而英语中一定是在某些铺垫词之后,委婉地表达自己的歉意。而中西方对于恭维或者评论(同意或反对)的回答也有所差异。对于第一个说话者的恭维,汉语的回答可能倾向于自谦,而英语里只需说thank you表示接受即可;对于第一个说话者的评论(同意或反对),则要根据评论的内容,用认可或反对的语气来回答。


  这类题主要是人们日常活动中用到的一些短语和习语。如:a black: sheep败家子,good for nothing一无是处,wash one's hands不管,不过问等等。对于这一类间题,往往对一个短语的解读影响到对整个题意的理解,平时应该加强对这一类习语、俚语的积累。


    Man:You will get a vote from Lora?

    Woman:No,She is too young to vote.

    Question:What does the woman mean?





Section A Dialogue: Completion .

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Speaker A: I need some aspirin, please, and I'd also like to get  this prescription filled. .

Speaker B: _______

A. Fine. Here's your aspirin. Could you wait a moment and I can have the prescription for you.

B. Well. I don't think you need any aspirin. I don't think you need any more prescription.

C.: Aspirin? Here you are. Here is your prescription, too, if you like any.

D. Don't you need any aspirin? Here you are. As for the prescription, I have to think. it over.

2. Speaker A: If I were you I'd take the bus to work. Driving in that rush-hour traffic is terrible.

Speaker B: _______

A. Oh, no. Driving in that rush-hour traffic is terrible though the bus is crowded.

B. Well. I do agree with you even if the bus is often late.

C. But by the time the bus gets to my stop,.there aren't any seats left.

D. No. Do you mind if I contradict you. I like driving in that rush-hour.

3. Speaker A: Shells is an American, but she's lived in the Far East for most of her life.

Speaker B: _______

A. Yes. I know she is an American.But what about an American?

B. Yes. But an American is merely an American. Do American speak English?

C. Yes. But don't you think if she can speak American?

D. Yes. She speaks Japanese and Chinese as well. as she speaks English.

4. Speaker A: If I nominate you for the president of the university, will you accept the nomination?

Speaker B: _______

A. I'd terribly sorry I'm not qualified for it. Perhaps you can choose someone else.

 B. I don 't really have enough time for academic reason. But I'd be happy to run for the vice president.

C. Really? But I am not so experienced as you think. So I have to turn down your offer.

D. Fantastic. I'd like to accept the nomination.

5. Speaker A: Could I see a pair of sandals like the brown ones in the window? I need a size six-and-a-half.

Speaker B: _______

A. I'm sorry but that style doesn't come in half sizes. I can show you a seven.

B.That pair of sandals? Why do you like that pair of sandals?

C. Do you like the pair of sandals like the brown ones in the window? Fine, thank you.

D.I see what you mean. But I am afraid that that pair will be too expensive to you.

Section B Dialogue Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

6. Man: I just taught him a lesson. Nothing more.

Woman: I think you carried it too far. You're to blame.

Question: What does the woman mean?

A. The man shouldn't be so tough.

B. The man has taught a good lesson.

C. The man has carried out his duty.

D. The man should carry on his lesson.

7. Man: Hello. I'd like to speak with Mr. Davis, please This is Thomas Ward with the Office of Immigrations.

Woman: I'm sorry, Mr.Ward.Mr.Davis is in conference now.

Question: Who works for the Immigrations Office?

A. Mr. Davis.          B. Mr. Davis's secretary.

C. Mr. Ward.          D. Mr. Thomas.

8. Woman: Fill it up with regular and check the oil, please.

Man: Right away, Miss.

Question: Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A: At a bank.           B. At a grocery store.

C. At a doctor's office.    D. At a gas station.

9. Man: My partner and I have totally different ideas about how to proceed in this project.

Woman: Why don't you meet each other half way?

Question: What does the woman mean?

A. The man should meet his partner's needs.

B. The man should go to meet his partner.

C. They should come to a compromise.

D. They should ask others to help.

10. Woman: I'm out of typing paper. Will you lend me some?

Man: I don't have any either, but I'11 be glad to get you some when I go to the bookstore.

Question: What is the man going to do?

A. He will borrow some typing paper from the woman.

B. He will lend the woman some typing paper.

C. .He will type the woman's paper.

D. He will buy some typing paper for the woman.


    1. A本题属于情景性对话,发生在医院里,要遵循合作原则和相关性原则,纵观四个选项都符合相关性原则,即涉及医生对于该病人的回答,然而,只有A选项符合合作性原则,使回答看起来彬彬有礼,既然是医生开出来的处方,显然,医生并没有拒绝的理由,所以A最符合对话情景。

    2. C从第一个人的话中我们可以推测出第二个人必定是自己开车上下班的,因为第一句话使用了虚拟语气,由此可以判断,第二个人必定对自己驾车给出原因,这才符合逻辑,A选项排除。rush的意思并不符合前后句子的逻辑关系;B选项并未给出原因,只是表示第二个人大体同意第一个人的观点;D选项不符合英美人的说话方式,不符合固定性原则,所以答案选C

    3. D四个选项都以y开头,但只有D选项最符合逻辑,A选项的问句令人费解,使听者不清楚第二个人到底想要说什么;B选项也不符合逻辑,Shells只是美国人的一个特例,更不能由此推问出“美国人说英语吗?”的问题;C选项but后面的话“我想她不会说美语”’并不能由第一句话推断出来,因为题设是大半生住在远东,从而推出“能讲很好的汉语和日语”才符合逻辑。

    4. B第一个人说:“如果我提名你作为大学的校长,你能接受任命吗?”’A看来是一种谦虚的说法,然而这并不符合英美人的表达习,不符合固定性原则;B给出了合理的原因-----我实在没有时间,并且I'd be happy to又使拒绝显得非常有礼貌,符合西方表达方式,尤其是拒绝的方式;C犯了和A一样的错误,如果有人真这样说的话,将会被认为是非常自卑,甚至是在挖苦讽刺呢;即便是愿意接受这样一个职务,D也是不符合西方人表达习惯的,fantastic不太符合这样场景,不够正式。

    5. A这是一个发生在鞋店的对话,第一个人是顾客,要一双六号半的鞋子,显然下一句话应是售货员的回答,A符合逻辑,彬彬有礼;B没有礼貌;C只是在重复顾客的要求,Fine, thank you.更让人感到匪夷所思;D就更不礼貌了。

    6. A本题关键在于正确理解女士的话,她说:“我认为你做得太过火了,自责的应该是你。显然,只有A符合女士的意思”男士不应该这么不讲理。”

    7. C这一对话发生在电话里,弄清人物关系尤为重要,男士说:“你好,我想和Mr. Davis讲话,我是移民局的Thomas Ward.”然后女士说:“对不起,Mr. Ward.Mr. Davis在开会(不能接你电话了)”可见,为移民局工作的是C.

    8. D本题的关键词是regular女士让男士定期检查并加满油,可见只有在加油站才会发生这一对话,此题考查了相关性原则的运用。

    9. C关键是理解meet each other half way,意思是“互相妥协,折衷。即便我们不知道这一短语的意思,也能从half这一单词中猜出,此题考查的是语义的近义替换。

    10.D 女士首先说:“我没了打印纸,可以借我一些吗?”男士回答:“我也没有了,但是我去书店时可以给你带回来一些。”由此可知男士打算去书店买纸,A、B、C都不符合题意,、此题是通过近义的替换来确定。







1.    For these reasons,the newspaper is having _____problems in the north of the country.

A. distribution      B. regulation       C. recognition        D. destruction

   答案解析:A.本题测试形近词。根据题意,是表示报纸的发行,故应选A. dis- tribution“发行,分配”;B. regulation“规则,规章”;C. recognition“承认,重视;D. destruction“破坏;均不符题意。


2. The brave firemen had fought for days before they managed to _____ the forest fire.

A. put on           B.put up          C. put off           D. put out

答案解析:D.本题测试动词短语。D. putout扑灭,熄灭,出版,生产”题是指扑灭大火。A. put on“穿上,假装,欺骗”;B. put up“举起,提供,提名”;C.、put off,,’推迟,拖延


3.Scientists estimate that about 530,000 other objects too small to detect with radar _____the Earth too.

A. being circled                       B. are circling

C. are to be circling                    D. are being circled

答案解析:B.本题测试时态语态。首先星体(objects)环绕地球应该是主动语态,其次该句应该是一直进行的动作,故不能选C,are to表示将要。因此答案为B


4._____before we departed last weekend,we would have had a wonderful din- ner party.

A. Had they arrived                    B. Would they arrive

CWere they arriving                   D. Were they to arrive

答案解析:A.本题测试虚拟语气省略if的倒装形式。根据后面的主句谓语would have had可知,题是对过去事实的虚拟,故从句谓语形式应用had done的形式,故答案为A。























1. Owing to _____competition among the airlines , travel expenses have been reduced considerably.

A. fierce         B. strained           C. eager           D. critical

2. They always give the vacant seats to _____ comes first .

A. whoever       B. whomever          C. who           D. whom

3. In Africa, educational costs are very low for those who are _____enough to get into universities.

A. ambitious                           B. fortunate

C. aggressive                           D. substantial

4. Professor Wang, _____ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.

A. knowing      B. known .           C. to be known      D. having known

5. Our manager is _____ an important customer now and he will be back this afternoon.

A.    calling on     B. calling in          C. calling up        D. calling for

6. A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of _____.

A. precaution      B. crisis             C. emergency        D. urgency

7.He said that the driver must have had an accident;otherwise he _____by then.

 A. Would have arrived                 B. must have arrived

 C. should arrive                       D. would arrive

8. The film provides a deep _____into a wide range of human qualities and feelings.

  A. insight        B. imagination       C. fancy           D. outlook

9. It is high time that such practices _____.

  A. are ended    B. be ended           C. were ended      D. must be ended

10. Urban crowdedness would be greatly relieved if only the _____charged on public transport were more reasonable.

A .fees        B. fares              C. payments        D. costs


1. A考点:形容词的辨析。句意:由于航空公司竞争激烈,旅行的费用大大降低了。选择fierce修饰competition 既合乎习惯又符合句意。

2.A考点:whoever作关系词的用法。根据结构分析,空白处需要填一个表示“……的人”的引导名词从句的关系词。在此需要解释的是,英语中who仅可作疑问代词,表示“谁,而要表示“……的人(即the person who)则要用whoever(主格)或whomever(宾格)。句意:他们总是将座位给那些先到的人。

3. B考点:形容词词义的辨析。句意:在非洲,对那些有幸进人大学的人来说学费非常低。由于学费低,对那些上大学的人来讲应该是“幸运的”。

4. B考点:非谓语动词作插入定语的用法。根据结构分析,该句主语与谓语之间有一个非谓语动词know引导的短语充当的插人语,该插人语作非限定性定语。由于主语与know为被动关系,所以首先可排除A和D;其次,不定式作定语有“将来”的意思,C也可予以排除,故B正确。句意:王教授由于其授课知识量大而闻名,受到学生的热烈欢迎。

5. A考点:与call有关的几个短语动词的辨析。calling on拜访;calling in;来访;calling叩打电话;calling for要求。句意:我们的经理正在拜访一个重要的顾客,所以他下午才能回来。

6. C考点:名词词义的辨析。句意:消防车必须有优先权,因为它得处理突发事件。故emergency(突发事件)正确。其余三个选项的意思是:precaution预防措施:crisis危机:urgency紧迫性。

7. A考点:虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的应用。可以断定分号后面是表示过去情况的非真实条件句,其条件句包含在分号前面的分句中了。虚拟语气用于非真实条件句表示过去情况时,需要用would have done的形式。句意:他说司机一定是出事故了;否则在那时之前就应该到达了。

8. A考点:名词词义的辨析。句意:这部电影对如何观察人类各种各样的性格和情感提出了深刻的见解。根据句中空白前后的结构可以看出insight正确provide a deep insight into可以看作一固定搭配,意思为“提供了有关……的深刻的见解”。

9. C考点:虚拟语气在It is time结构中的应用。英语语法要求在is time引导的that从句中必须用虚拟语气,其谓语形式为动词的过去式。句意这些习惯做法确实该结束了。

10. B考点:名词词义的辨析。四个选项的意思分别为:fees服务性费用;fares交通费;payments支付;costs花费。句意:如果城市的公共交通费更合理一些,拥挤程度就会大大缓解。指的是公共交通的费用,所以B正确。









Not so long ago almost any student who successfully completed a university degree could find a good career quite easily. Companies toured the academic institutions, competing with each other to select graduates. However, those days are gone, even in Hong Kong, and nowadays graduates often face strong competition in the search for jobs.

Most careers organizations highlight three stages for graduates to follow in the process of securing a suitable career: recognizing abilities, matching these to available jobs and presenting them well to possible employers.

Job seekers have to make a careful assessment of their own abilities. One area of assessment should be of their academic qualifications, which would include special skills within their subject area. Graduates should also consider their own personal values and attitudes. An honest assessment of personal interests and abilities such as creative skills, or skills acquired from work experience, should also be given careful thought.

The second stage is to study the opportunities available for employment and to think about how the general employment situation is likely to develop in the future. To do this, graduates can study job and position information in, newspapers, or they can visit a career's office, write to possible employers for information or contact friends or relatives who may already be involved in a particular profession. After studying all the various options, they should be in a position to make `informed comparisons between various careers.

Good personal presentation is essential in the search for a good career. Job application forms and letters should, of course, be filled in carefully and correctly, without grammar or spelling errors. Where additional information is asked for, job seekers should describe their abilities and work experience in more depth, with examples if possible. They should try to balance their own abilities with the employer's needs, explain why they

are interested in a career with the particular company and try to show that they already know something about the company and its activities.

When graduates go to an interview, they should prepare properly by finding out all they can about the possible employer. Dressing suitably and arriving for the interview on time are also important. Interviewees should try to give positive and helpful answers and should not be afraid to ask questions about anything they are unsure about. This is much better than pretending to understand a question arid giving an unsuitable answer.

1. "Those days are gone, even in Hong Kong" in Paragraph 1 suggests that___.

A. finding a good career used to be easier in, Hong Kong than elsewhere

B. now everyone in Hong Kong has an equal chance of finding a good job

C. graduates now face stronger competition in Hong Kong than elsewhere

D. even in Hong Kong companies tour universities trying to select graduates

2. It is implied in Paragraph 3 that graduates should___.

A. aim to give a balanced account of what the employer needs

B. consider careers which suit their values, interests and abilities

C. recognize their own abilities regardless of what the employer looks for

D. stress their personal attitudes and values in job applications

3. According to Paragraph 4, graduates should___.

A. find a good position and then compare it with other careers

B. ask friends or relatives to secure them a good job

C. get information about a number of careers before making comparisons

D. study the opportunities and the kinds of training that will be available

4. In the last paragraph, the writer seems to suggest that___.

A. interviewees should appear humble if they can't give an answer

B. dressing properly is more important than being able to give an answer

C. it is better for interviewees to be honest than to pretend to understand

D. it is a good idea for interviewees to be boastful in their answers

5. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Until recently it was quite easy for graduates to get good jobs in Hong Kong.

B. Job seekers should consider as many related factors as possible.

C. Businesses used to visit the universities in Hong Kong to select graduates.

D. Graduates used to compete with each other for a good job in Hong Kong.








Visitors to this country are normally admitted for six months, but foreign students can usually stay for one year. They must 1 an educational institution, and they are required to study for a 2 of fifteen hours a week on a daytime course. Prospective students have to show that they can afford their studies, and that they have sufficient 3 resources to support themselves 4 in this country.

In order to work here the foreigner needs a work permit, 5 must be applied for by his prospective employer. The problem here is that, the Department of Employment has the right to grant or 6 these permits, and there is little that can be done 7 it; it would be extremely unwise for a foreign visitor to work 8 a permit, since anyone doing so is liable to immediate deportation. There are some people from the European countries, who are often given 9 residence permits of up to five years. Some other people, such as doctors, foreign journalists, authors and, others can work without permits, and foreign students are normally allowed to 10 part-time jobs while they are stud- ying here.

1. A. establish         B. purchase         C .prove           D. attend

2. A. minimum        B. maximum         C. minority         D. majority

3. A. natural           B. financial          C. human           D. economical

4. A. after           B. since             C. while            D. before

5. A. it               B. what              C. that             D. which

6. A. receive           B. refuse            C .oppose           D. accept

7. A, for             B. on               C. about             D. with

8. A. with             B. before           C. after              D. without

9. A. temporary        B. interior            C. permanent         D. short

10. A. engage          B. take              C. expect             D. work


    1. D测试固定搭配。amend an educational institution意为“参加一个教育机构A项establish 建立;B项purchase“购买;C项prove“证明”;均与题意不符。

  2. A测试形近词和近义词的区别。根据题意,是表示“至少一周十五小时的学习”,表示最小值,应选A项minimum。B项maximum“最大值;C项minority“少数,少数民族”;D项majority“多数,大半;均不符题意。

    3. B测试近义词的区别。表示“经济来源,资金来源”,应用B项financial“财政的,金融的”。A和C明显不符题意;D项economical是表示“节约的,经济实惠的”,也不符题意。

    4. C测试连接词。根据上下文,是指“在该国期间”,故只能选C项while

    5. D测试非限定性定语从句。此处缺少一个关系代词,代替a work permit,在从句中做主语,故应选D项which.

    6. B测试根据上下文选词的能力。此处所缺词与grant用or连接,表示二者是并列的关系,且意思应正好相反,即表示“批准或拒绝”,故应选B项refuse. A项receive“收到,接收;C项oppose“反对;D项accept“接受

    7. C测试介词搭配。根据上下文,是表示“对此(就业部是批准还是拒绝你的申请)你无能为力”,故应选C项about.


9. A测试根据上下文选词的能力。此处缺少一个形容词修饰residence permits,表不“临时居住许可证,故应选A项temporary“暂时的,临时的”。B项interior“内部的;C项permanent“长久的,一永久的”;D short“短暂的;均不符题意。

10. B测试固定搭配。Take part-time jobs意为“从事兼职工作”。其他动词都不能搭配jobs




































The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parents or teachers for advice on anything. Whether it be sex, AIDS, school wor- ries or family problems, adults are not considered up to the job.

Until now, no one has asked Hong Kong youth, "What do you think?" Some un- derstanding of the emotions of Hong Kong's youth, however, has come from the work of Dr. leffrey Day-at the University of Hong Kong. His survey of young people does not focus, for example, on how many drugs they take-but tries to answer the question


Dr. Day hopes the results, which he plans to explain in full next week, will reveal what troubles-as well as pleases-today's high-school students. Conclusions will be passed on not only to government departments but back to the schools which took part.






    第一句:The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parents or teachers for advice on anything.



        ②generation gap代沟;turn to求助于。

    第二句:Whether it be sex,AIDS,school worries or family problems,adults are not considered up to the job.



        ②注意要将主句adults are not considered up to the job中的被动变主动。

        ③注意不要将the job译为这项工作。   


    第一句:Until now,no one has asked Hong Kong youth,”What do you think?”


    注:until now迄今为止。

    第二句:Some understanding of the emotions of Hong Kong’s youth,however,has come from the work of Dr. leffrey Day-at the University of Hong Kong.


注:①首先要理解come from含义: ……来自于……。



第三句:His survey of young people does not focus,for example,on how many drugs they take- -but tries to answer the question why.











   Directions:You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title“Lifelong Learning". You should base your composition on the Chinese outline given below:





In today's society, life-long learning has become very important for everyone. this is because one needs to renew his knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work and fast development the society.

There are several ways for one to take a life-long learning. One way is to take a part-time education program. It means that one is learning part time while he is work-ing The program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level. The second way is to study by oneself. You can learn whatever you need for your work/ on your own. You can learn from books, from TV programs or from Internet or radio.

In my opinion, life-long learning is necessary to us. We should choose one of the ways mentioned above, which depends on your own personal preference and interest. I prefer the first one because this kind of learning is systematic and formal. With the help of the teachers, it is easier to learn and quicker to get what you need for your work.














    考生在比较阐述两个不同的观点或分析某事物(现象)的优缺点时,要有自己的观点倾向。对自己赞同的观点可以少花些笔墨,以便在表达自己的观点时还有话可说;对自己反对的观点可以多花些笔墨进行驳斥。如果提纲所列的两个观点自己都不同意, 在评论这两个观点时可以平分笔墨。在文章的最后表明自己的态度和看法时,最好给出相应的理由或者提出更好的建议以减少某现象(事物)可能带来的负面效应。另外,在分别说明论述两种不同观点、某事物(现象)的优缺点、提出建议时,切忌零乱,一定要有条理。可以使用一些过渡词或词组,如:in addition,for one,for another, in conclusion等。




Part I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)

Section A Dialogue Completion

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dia-logue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

1. Speaker A: Excuse me; is there a parking lot anywhere around here?

Speaker B: ___

A. Sorry, there is no park around here.

B. Yes, you've asked the right person. I'm very familiar with this place.

C. No problem. I know where it is.

D. Yes, there's one near the end of the street. It's behind the church.

2. Speaker A: Fasten your seat belt please, Sir.

Speaker B: ___

A. Do you mind if I ask you why didn't you do so?

B. Sorry. Why can't I use my mobile phone here.

C. Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that we were going to land so soon on a plane.

D. Of course, I, do. It's none, of your business.

3. Speaker A: Doctor Smith is engaged on Wednesday. Would you like to come on Thursday?

Speaker B: ___

A. Thursday would be fine.

B. See you then.

C. Thank you very much. Good-bye.

D. It's very kind of you.

4. Speaker A: If I were you I'd take the :bus to work. Driving in that rush-hour traffic is terrible.

Speaker B: ___

A. Oh, no. Driving in that rush- hour traffic is terrible though the bus is crowded.

B. Well. I do agree with you even if the bus is often late.

C. But by the time the bus gets to my stop, there aren't any seats left.

D. No. Do you mind if I contradict you. I like driving in that rush-hour.

5. Speaker A: We' 11 miss you. Have a good journey.

Speaker B: ___

A. I miss you, too.

B. How time flies.

C. Thank you for all you've done for me.

D. I'm pleased to be with you here.

Section B Dialogue Comprehension

Directions: In this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to the

question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

6. Woman: What does your friend do for a living?

Man: He is one of those people who give legal advice.

Question: What do you know about the man's friend?

A. He is an advisor.                           B. He is a juror.

C. He is a consultant.                          D. He is a lawyer.

7. Woman: I'm sorry, professor, but I haven't finished my paper.

Man: In that case, I'll give you another day and you'll have to take it to my office on Friday or I'll have to fail you.

Question: What day is it today?

A. Wednesday.         B. Thursday.              C. Friday.                  D. Tuesday.'

8. Woman: Let me settle the bill today.

Man: Oh, no! You shouldn't do that. Let's go Dutch. We are both students after, all.

Question: What does the man mean?

A. He will pay for the bill.

B. He suggested they go to Holland.

C. Students shouldn't settle bills.

D. They will share the bill.

9. Man: The view is fantastic. Could you take a picture of me with the mountains in the background?

Woman:  I'm sorry my film is running out.

Question: What does the woman mean?

A. She doesn't want to waste her film.

B. She already took a picture of the mountains.

C. She doesn't have any more film.

D. She doesn't know how to use the camera.

10. Woman: Our teacher encourages us to watch the news in English on TV. She says itis a good way to learn a language.

Man: I think so. It will be especially helpful if you can check the same story in the newspaper.

Question: What does the man mean?

A. Watching TV is better than reading a newspaper.

B. Newspapers may give more information.

C. TV is more interesting than a newspaper.

D. A combination of reading and listening is more effective.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

11.It is quite necessary for a qualified manager to have good manners and___knowledge.

A. extensive          B. excessive           C. expensive            D. intensive

12. There is___ evidence that a low-fat diet can help prevent heart dis-ease.

A. protective          B. persuasive          C. persistent            D. preservative

13. Goodness, economy and honesty are regarded as some universal___ a man should have.

A. habits             B. customs            C. characters            D. virtues

14. Because she had an important thing to do, she___ the invitation with thanks.

A. refused            B. rejected            C. declined             D. repelled

15. While we usually think___ the library as a place with books, it is really a source of much more.

A. of                B. off                C. down                D. for

16. The policeman___ his eyes round the room but saw nothing unusual.

A. threw             B. touched            C. fixed                 D. centered

17. Inflation causes society to use more of its resources for today's purposes and to___ less for tomorrow's needs.

A. make up           B. check up           C. set aside              D. work out

18. As I forget to place the fish in the icebox yesterday , it has___.

A. gone out           B. gone down         C. gone off              D. gone away.

19. Go and see for yourself, and you___ what he said is true.

A. would find                              B. will find

C. would have found                        D. should fing

20. Because he hates dishonesty, he is___on his children when they tell lies.

A. fierce              B. hard               C. strict                D. serious

21. Don't leave your car under No Parking sign; ___ your car may be towed away by the police.

A. or else             B. if not              C. or rather             D. or so

22. You___ the experiment twice, not once.

A. should have carried out                    B. shouldn't have carried out

C. haven't carried out                        D. couldn't have carried out

23. How thoughtful of him___ to make all the necessary arrangements for us!

A. he is              B. it was              C. is he                D. was he

24.___can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by the science fiction.

A. Everybody          B. Anybody          C. Somebody            D. Nobody

25. ___ a man who expresses himself effectively is sure to succeed more rapidly than a man whose command of language is poor.

A. Other things being equal                   B. To be equal in other things

C. Were other things equal                    D. Other things to be equal

26.Success in life does not spend so much on one's school record___ on one’s honesty and diligence.

A. but                B. whereas           C. as                   D. like

27.No other drug is available at present___ can produce the same thera- peutic effect with less risk.

A. that               B. than              C. when                 D. which

28. When I try to understand___ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.

A. why it does                             B. what it does

C. what it is                              D. why it is

29. The speed of communications today, ___ that of yesterday , has greatly altered the manner in which business today is conducted.

A. as opposed to                         B. in correspondence to

C. contrary to                           D. in proportion to

30. I try to relax because I knew I would use up my oxygen sooner___.

A. the more excited I got                  B. I got excited more

C. and more excited I got                 D. and I got more excited

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your an-swer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One







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