
1. 选项不符合文化习惯

Speaker A: Hi, Jean. Where are you going?

Speaker B: Hi, Lingling. How are you?

Speaker A: Wow, what a special minority blouse you’re wearing! I guess it’s made of silk. How much does it cost?

Speaker B: I bought it in Yunnan and it’s worth buying, I think.

Speaker A: Did you get it at a bargain sale?

Speaker B: Oh, the bargain sale was really a scene.

2. 选项不符合英语交际语言习惯

Speaker A: Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest subway station?

Speaker B: ________________________________.

A. Anytime. It’s next to the post office.

B. All right. Do you want me to go with you.

C. No problem. It’s my pleasure to direct you.

D. Of course. Go down this street and turn right.

3. 选项不符合逻辑

Speaker A: Excuse me, do you have small change for a dollar?

Speaker B: ____________________.

A. Why do you want to change?

B. Is it may business?

C. Are dimes and quarters OK?

D. You shouldn’t ask a stranger for change.


1. 理解对话时的情景

2. 理解说话人的意图


1. 理解反问句式的陈述含义

Woman: Where can I find a bottle of ink?

Man: Why don’t you try the shop on campus?

Question: What does the man mean?

2. 顺藤摸瓜寻找隐含意义

Woman: Did you meet the new teacher yesterday?

Man: I’ve been sick for two days.

Question: What does the man mean?

A. The new teacher is sick.

B. There are two new teachers.

C. He hasn’t met the teacher yet.

D. He didn’t like the new teacher.

3. 理解虚拟语气的相反含义

Woman: Put your grandmother in an Old People’s Home. They will look after her.

Man: They would if they could.

Question: What does the man imply?

A. His grandmother will be taken good care of there.

B. There are not enough Old People’s Homes.

C. His grandmother is not willing to be put there.

D. His grandmother will not get what she needs most there.

4. 掌握一些口语中的常用短语、习语及惯用法

Man: Let’s go for a walk.

Woman: I’d love to, but I feel a bit under the weather.

Question: What does the woman mean?

A. The weather is making her feel unwell.

B. She would like to go for a walk.

C. She doesn’t feel well enough to go for a walk.

D. It’s not very nice weather for a walk.


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